Advanced iOS Programming — Winter semester
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The intention for this class is to put your iOS and app development skills to the next level. You might want to …
polish and fine-tune your previous app, and strive to submit your app to the iTunes App Store,
regroup and work with a new team,
work on a completely different app (we have a number of client projects for you to choose from),
build an app from scratch, or
… a combination of the above.
Client Projects
In the first class, you will be introduced to a number of clients and their projects.
Groups and teams from both the Calgary startup community and the UofC campus community will present their project ideas to you. They all need help — to various degrees, they need a team that builds them cool apps, creates prototypes, brainstorms app ideas, explores ideas for apps, … and much more.
This will be an experience for you close to the real world of software development. You interact with a client. You suggest your ideas. You drive the app forward together with your customer.
YOU are the Drivers …
Even more so than last semester’s course, this class will all be driven by YOU. The class will provide the framework for you to work on further iOS projects, expand your apps, learn about programming tools, app analytics, more about marketing, GUI design, deployment, and many more themes that will emerge over this semester. Again, all driven by YOU.
Let’s create a community of learning, advising, and mutual mentoring. Let’s make this valuable and fun for everybody.
Prerequisites: CPSC 217/219 or CPSC 231/233 and consent of instructor; recommended: CPSC 333 or equivalent software engineering course
It is recommended that you take iProgramming for Creative Minds (CPSC 599.72) in the Fall term before taking this course.
Here is a news story about this class: “Computer Science Students Get Creative Developing iOS Apps”
Get more information about this course …
If you are interested in this course or want to sign up for it, please fill out the following form: